
  • 在線交談: 中國叉車網(wǎng)(m21363.cn)客服咨詢
  • 電話:400-019-0081

  模驅(qū)可(MOTREC)是一家專業(yè)生產(chǎn)工業(yè)運輸車輛 – 承載車和牽引車的世界著名制造商。成立于1988年,總部位于加拿大魁北克省,所生產(chǎn)的工業(yè)車輛在人員運輸及承載貨物方面節(jié)省了大量工作時間,提高了生產(chǎn)力和生產(chǎn)效率;在牽引車方面對于長距離的運輸是非常理想, 減少了昂貴的叉車使用費用。高質(zhì)量、高可靠性和與客戶的緊密合作使得模驅(qū)可(MOTREC)處于世界同行業(yè)領(lǐng)先地位,80%的產(chǎn)品出口,并在國外市場取得成功的保證。1998年,模驅(qū)可(MOTREC)搬進30,000平方米的新廠房,年生產(chǎn)量增加了2000臺。
 ?。煽康牧悴考?,如自動盤式制動器和差動輪,最初是為挖掘機上150KW發(fā)動機設(shè)計的,完全可以配合我們電動   馬達的高扭矩;
G-500和G-660帶有33KW 久保田柴油和液化氣發(fā)動機,專為條件苛刻的工業(yè)企業(yè),如鋼廠、鋁煉廠,礦廠等設(shè)計。我們的產(chǎn)品加速了大型企業(yè)的運轉(zhuǎn)。
    廈門偉順工貿(mào)有限公司及其香港公司 – 冠傑發(fā)展有限公司是模驅(qū)可(MOTREC)在大中國區(qū)域的總經(jīng)銷商。公司以質(zhì)量和服務作為企業(yè)發(fā)展的根基,以誠信作為企業(yè)發(fā)展的座右銘,以用戶得到最大的受益作為企業(yè)的目標。我們很高興能夠給您們提供全面的咨詢、銷售、維護保養(yǎng)和零配件供應活動,以確保您在模驅(qū)可(MOTREC)產(chǎn)品的投資得到最大利益。
Motrec creates and manufactures industrial vehicles renowned for their superior quality, performance and reliability.
Our carriers first charged onto the heavy-equipment scene in 1988, standing up to even the roughest operating conditions. Over years of use and after constant improvements, they developed an enviable reputation for being solid and dependable vehicles.
In 1990, Motrec designed its first electric tow tractor, the E-280B , to meet the new demands of just-in-time supply for North American automobile industry assembly lines.
In 1993, the company received its UL certification.
A new factory was built in 1998, equipped with the latest manufacturing equipment. Management took advantage of this opportunity to integrate the KAIZEN and lean manufacturing concepts into their workflow.
These changes allowed Motrec to achieve significant increases in productivity. The production capacity leapt from several hundred to over 2000 vehicles per year.
In 2001, Motrec made an entry into the European market, leading in 2003 to the launch of the GT series vehicles, made especially for markets where aesthetics play heavily into the purchasing equation.
Throughout its evolution, Motrec has capitalized on every opportunity to improve its product line and diversify its markets, helping its business partners along the way. Today, Motrec offers the most complete range of industrial vehicles and tow tractors in the industry.
Take a look down the service corridors of any air terminal, hospital or industrial complex, and chances are you’ll see a Motrec vehicle hard at work. A factory tour might find you comfortably seated in one of our electric shuttles – appreciating your host’s dedication to getting the very best.
